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Covid Update

Dear all,

As you will all no doubt be aware, with the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, some safety measures have been reintroduced and will take effect from Tuesday e.g. the mandatory wearing of face coverings in shops and on public transport with the exception of those who are exempt.

From a school perspective the guidance states ‘face coverings should be worn in communal areas in all settings by staff, visitors and pupils in Year 7 and above unless they are exempt’.

This practice was already in place at St Mary’s and therefore we will continue with the wearing of face coverings in communal areas such as corridors, stairways and our Dining Hall etc.  Of course, anyone who feels safer wearing a face covering in classrooms will be fully supported in doing so, though at present this is not part of the DfE guidance.  If your child is exempt from wearing a face covering do inform us of this if you haven’t already and we can update our records.

Please may I remind those of you whose children travel to school by bus should wear a face covering to travel unless they are exempt.  Bus companies may refuse passengers travel if they are not wearing a face covering (unless exempt).

If further updates to DfE guidance occur in forthcoming days and weeks, I will be in touch regarding the implications for St Mary’s.

Thank you all so much for the way in which you have cooperated with us throughout the pandemic.  The most recent guidance does state that staff and pupils should continue with twice weekly LFD testing and we would ask for your support with this.

Our pupils have been so resilient and mature in the face of so many challenges and changes and we are incredibly proud of them.  Hopefully, we can progress towards Christmas safely and have a well-earned and happy festive period.

Best wishes


Stuart Wetson