September Update
Dear Parent/Carers
Welcome to the new academic year at St Mary’s (2022-23) and I hope that you and your family managed to have an enjoyable and restful summer break.
As a Headteacher, this is one of the most exciting times in the calendar and I really enjoy welcoming our new and existing pupils as we prepare for another year together. The next year promises to be a good one and everyone at St Mary’s is keen to build on all of the successes and achievements of last year. It may have been sweltering conditions, but we ended last year with a celebration of the things that make us such a unique school community – you may have seen our summer newsletter which documents our Sports Day, Summer Concert, Dance Show and Eisteddfod amongst much, much more.
Such success and achievement continued with this year’s GCSE results, some of the detail of which is on our website and featured in The Hereford Times. We are so proud to report another very strong set of outcomes which see St Mary’s performing impressively from both a local and national perspective.
As you will recognise, this year’s exams were the first for two years but the approach of our Y11 pupils was admirable and their excellent results no more than they deserved.
We have high hopes for this year’s Y11 and for all pupils at St Mary’s and look forward to lessons and learning getting off to a swift and smooth start.
If you live locally, you will have noticed that work has been ongoing throughout the summer directly outside St Mary’s. This is due to the installation of extended footways and Pelican crossing which we have been working on with Herefordshire Council for some time now. Rather frustratingly, this work was due to be finished by the start of the autumn term but I am told there are supply issues which mean that the work will now be completed in October/November. I have sought assurances regarding the temporary pelican crossing which will be in place for the interim and sincerely hope that such measures will not cause any congestion or inconvenience for you in the meantime. We look forward to the completion of the permanent crossing in late October/early November and will keep you updated with progress on this matter.
May I please take this opportunity to remind you that term starts for all pupils on Wednesday 7th September. Year 7 pupils will be off timetable for the 7th and 8th of September as per previous communications but all other year groups will follow their new timetables on Wednesday 7th – Friday 9th September.
I would like to remind you that if you are collecting your child by car at the end of the day, the safest way to do so is to arrive and drive onto the school driveway from approximately 3.30pm onwards once all school buses have departed. Your child will be on the school field awaiting collection. For those collecting by car, may I please remind you of the need to respect our neighbours and local residents (and their properties) and refrain from parking across driveways or blocking access. We do not advocate pupils walking off site and being collected from neighbouring roads or lanes and would prefer all collection is on-site. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation with this.
I look forward to working with your children and would like to thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours faithfully
Stuart Wetson