Imposition of the Pallium

Our Head Boy and Girl, and their deputies ventured to Cardiff with myself on 22nd June 2023 to celebrate the Mass of the Imposition of the Pallium for Archbishop Mark O’Toole. During this Mass, the Pallium is ‘imposed’ upon His Grace by the Pope’s representative in this country, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Miguel Buendia.
The Pallium is a simple woollen vestment that is worn over the chasuble, and is the symbol of the bishop as a good shepherd. During his inauguration Mass, the late Pope Benedict XVI reflected on this symbolism - “The symbolism of the pallium is even more concrete: the lamb's wool is meant to represent the lost, sick or weak sheep which the shepherd places on his shoulders and carries to the waters of life.” Each new Archbishop is given a new pallium as a sign of his communion with the Successor of St Peter.
It was a delight to celebrate this momentous occasion with members of the Cardiff and Menevia Dioceses, including teachers and pupils from many other Catholic schools across the Cardiff Diocese. It was especially thrilling to hear the Cathedral filled with voices in a rousing rendition of “Guide me, O thou great redeemer”!
Following the Mass, His Grace was kind enough to take some photos with us. He was incredibly touched by our presence at the Mass, and expressed his gratitude, thanking us for making the journey from Hereford to be there to celebrate with him.
This unique experience will live long in the memory for our students (and hopefully not just because we had home-made Welsh cakes and a McDonald’s)!
Miss C Leslie (Teacher of RE)