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Rags 2 Riches


Dear Parent / Guardian

Your child has/will be bringing a bag and a flyer home for this year’s Rags2Riches collection. 

We have been involved with this for several years and raise approximately £500 each year for the school; but it also helps the environment by helping to divert unwanted textiles away from landfill.

By getting involved in our Rags2Riches collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided.  This can include adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, bags, soft toys, Jewellery, Bedding and household linen and towels.  Please ensure that the items and clean and dry. They will not accept curtains, pillows and duvets or any item with a sewn in school badge.   In addition, it will also raise awareness amongst the children of the benefits of recycling and reuse.

We request that you follow the guidance above and on the leaflet carefully.  Last year we had several bags rejected, at the loss of considerable money, as some of the contents were unsuitable.    

More bags are available in school and can be collected from the main office although any bag can be used to donate your items, but please label them clearly.  Don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!

This year we have arranged to have 3 collections, on the dates shown below.  We are distributing the bags to coincide with your child’s parents evenings, as this is often the most convenient time to bring the bags to school.  You are, of course, welcome to drop the bags off to reception at any time up to  the final collection.

The collection dates are : Friday 14th February, Tuesday 24th March and Monday 11th May.

Many thanks indeed for helping us with this fundraising opportunity.


On behalf of St Mary’s PTFA