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Dear parents/carers of Year 9

Dear parents/carers of Year 9


I am writing to inform you that we have this evening been informed of a potential further case of Covid within the year group. As this case has yet to be verified and we are unable to take advice from Outbreak Control or Public Health England, we are taking the measure to ask all Year 9 pupils at St Mary’s to remain at home and not come into school until further notice. Please be assured that this is precautionary measure in the interests of safety as we were notified of this potential case out of hours.


As soon as we have been able to seek further guidance tomorrow morning (Thursday) we will be in touch, so do check Parentmail and the school website for updates. Please do not call the school switchboard – we will contact you. Details of how work can be accessed will follow. In the meantime, we would ask that your child takes a LFT if asymptomatic, and should your child display symptoms or the LFT come out as positive, then we would ask that you book a PCR test.


We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and will do everything possible to minimise disruption to learning. However, the overall safety of our pupils, staff and school community is our priority during these unprecedented times.


Best wishes


Stuart Wetson