Constitution and Committees
Constitution: as per Sealed Instrument of Government dated 31 July 2023
2 parent governors
1 local authority governor
1 staff governor
1 headteacher
8 foundation governors (2 of whom must be eligible to be parent governors)
1 co-opted governor
Total: 14 governors
Note: No more than 1/3 of overall number of voting governors (ie maximum of 4), including headteachers, are to be employed by the school.
Parent governor: 2 governors
1. Rob Hunter
2. John Stedman
LA governor: 1 governor
1. Ken Smith
Staff governor: 1 governor
1. Vikki Avery
Headteacher: 1 governor
1. Stuart Wetson
Foundation governor: 8 governors
1. Pete Fawcett
2. Martin Francis
3. Lynn Johnson (parent)
4. Rafal Kochanski (tbc)
5. Brenda Poynton (parent)
6 Fr Augustine Primavesi
7. Ken Rainbill-Johnson (tbc)
8. Marian Smith
Co-opted governor: 1 governor
1. Vacant
Associate member (non-voting): 2 members
1. Christine Bryan
2. Angela Leslie
Full Governing Body
Vikki Avery
Pete Fawcett: vice-chair of the governing body; link governor science
Cygnul Limited – Clerking Service to the governing body
Christine Bryan: Associate Member
Martin Francis: link governor maths
Rob Hunter: link governor careers
Lynn Johnson: chair of the governing body; link governor SEND and maths
Rafal Kochanski (tbc)
Angela Leslie: associate member
Brenda Poynton: link governor health and safety and MFL
Fr Augustine Primavesi: link governor English and drama
Ken Rainbill-Johnson (tbc)
Ken Smith: link governor health and safety
Marian Smith: link governor safeguarding, spirituality and RE
John Stedman
Stuart Wetson
Admissions panel
Rob Hunter
Lynn Johnson
Stuart Wetson
Resources Committee
Vikki Avery
Pete Fawcett
Christine Bryan (Associate Member)
Rob Hunter
Lynn Johnson
Brenda Poynton (chair)
Ken Smith
Safeguarding Committee
Vikki Avery
Pete Fawcett (chair)
Martin Francis
Angela Leslie (associate member)
Brenda Poynton
Marian Smith
Standards and Curriculum Committee
Lynn Johnson
Angela Leslie
Fr Augustine Primavesi
Marian Smith
Stuart Wetson