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House and Sport Captains of De Paul 

Meet St. Vincent De Paul

"No act of charity is foreign to the society."


Who Was St. Vincent?

St Vincent De Paul is a fantastic saint who is well known for his charitable heart. In fact, he cofounded a religious group called the Daughters of Charity along with St. Louise de Marillac. There are more than 18,000 Daughters today serving the needs of the poor in 94 countries.

In St Mary’s we are very proud of the fact that we do so much for charity throughout the school year. This might be raising money for CAFOD or even volunteering at the St Michael’s Hospice. In De Paul we try to aspire to live as St Vincent de Paul did serving the needs of others before ourselves.

Feast Day:      27th September

Nationality:    French

Patron of:       Charities


O Saviour, who gave us the law to love our neighbour as ourselves,

who practised it in such perfect fashion towards everyone,

let you yourself be, O Lord, your eternal thanks!

O Saviour, how happy I am to be in the state of loving my neighbour!

Grant me the grace to acknowledge my good fortune,

to love this blessed state,

and to ensure that this virtue may be revealed now, tomorrow and always.
