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Mrs. C. Robins MA

There is no discrete Drama provision in KS3 but teachers of English, as part of their KS3 curriculum, provide regular opportunities for Drama lessons in response to plays, novels and poetry studied.

At GCSE, pupils have 5 hours of curriculum time across a two week timetable for GCSE Drama. Pupils follow AQA’s GCSE Drama curriculum:

Year 10: Acting skills, Performance Spaces and Roles and Responsibilities, The Crucible: Performing and exam preparation, Devised: preparation and Section 1 Drama Log.

Year 11: Devised: Section 2 and 3 Drama Logs and Acting assessment, studying a Live Performance, Scripted Performance to AQA examiner and preparing for the written exam.

We foster a love of live theatre and in addition to the theatre visits we organise, we encourage our pupils to support their local theatres. 

The Courtyard, Hereford:

Malvern Theatre, Malvern:

The Drama department is proud of its tradition of school productions, striving to involve as many students as possible, both on-stage and behind the scenes. These opportunities enable students to work closely with peers across the school and occasionally with trained professionals, towards a shared goal and shared sense of achievement. Such invaluable extra-curricular experiences are inevitably one of the most memorable aspects of school life.