History Revision Tips
How to… effectively revise History!
Watch this short 10-minute video of Mr Williams demonstrating how to self-quiz as a revision method.
History Revision Tips
History is full of facts, dates and consequences! It’s the amount of content that puts some people off, but the best way to revise history at both KS3 and GCSE is to chunk your revision into manageable pieces. Little and often is more effective than cramming the night before a test or an exam.
GCSE Historians can ask their History Teacher for any lost copies of Knowledge Organisers for the units they study, or go to the History Homepage display outside Room 2 (Mr Williams’ room) to pick one up.
We also recommend using BBC Bitesize pages for some units of the GCSE: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zxjk4j6
Remember to make sure you are using AQA specification for the following units (Conflict & Tension is not on BBC Bitesize):
- Britain: health and the people, c.1000 to the present day
- Elizabeth I
- Germany