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Members of the Governing Body



Date Appointed

Term of Office

Term of Office expires

Appointed By

Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interest

Vikki Avery


Staff governor

1 Oct 23

4 years

30 Sep 27

Staff election



Pete Fawcett


Foundation governor

1 Sep 20

4 years

31 Aug 24

Archdiocese of Cardiff

Fawcett Solutions Ltd

Christine Bryan


Associate governor (non-voting)



Ex officio

St Mary’s RC High School


Martin Francis


Foundation governor

1 Oct 22

4 years

30 Sep 26

Archdiocese of Cardiff

Financial advisor

Rob Hunter


Parent governor

1 Oct 23

4 years

30 Sep 27

Parent election

Chief Financial Officer SafeLane Global Ltd

Hunter Business Support LLP

Lynn Johnson


Foundation governor


1 Sep 20

4 years

31 Aug 24

Archdiocese of Cardiff

Kumon Hereford

ELJ Homes

Rafal Kochanski (tbc)


Foundation governor




Archdiocese of Cardiff


Angela Leslie


Associate governor

1 Oct 23

4 years

30 Sep 27

St Mary’s RC High School



Brenda Poynton


Foundation governor


1 Sep 20

4 years

31 Aug 24

Archdiocese of Cardiff

Brenda Mulligan Interior Design

Fr Augustine Primavesi


Foundation governor

8 Mar 21

4 years

31 Aug 24

Archdiocese of Cardiff


Ken Rainbill-Johnson (tbc)


Foundation governor




Archdiocese of Cardiff


Ken Smith


LA governor

11 May 21

4 years

11 May 25

Hereford Council



Marian Smith


Foundation governor

1 Sep 20

4 years

31 Aug 24

Archdiocese of Cardiff


John Stedman


Parent governor

1 Oct 23

4 years

30 Sep 27

Parent election


Stuart Wetson


Staff governor

1 Apr 18


Ex Officio

St Mary’s RC High School
