Our curriculum is carefully adapted for pupils with SEND. The Religious Education curriculum has been designed so that it is inclusive and allows pupils to progress their learning at any ability level. We try to ensure that all pupils, including the high ability and those with SEND are able to access and succeed in Religious Education.
The specific needs of SEND pupils are communicated by the SENCO and through Provision Map SEND plans. Teachers also have reading age data and KS3 literacy targets. This information allows Religious Education teachers to adapt our curriculum so that it can be accessed by all.
At KS3 and KS4 we support students by providing structured support.
Religious Education is a compulsory subject for all pupils. This means that in Religious Education we cater to a full range of abilities. We adapt the curriculum to meet these needs by working closely with Teaching Assistants, providing writing frames, word banks and personalised support for individual students. This can also include printing out PowerPoints, providing scaffolding worksheets, using coloured paper, scanning in information which is then uploaded to Teams. For students who use computers, PowerPoints are uploaded onto Teams. Staff are aware of the needs of the individual students that they teach. Where students have allocated Teaching Assistants, staff liaise with them and utilise them to maximise student progress.