School Uniform
The aim of a high standard in school uniform is to give the students a neat and tidy appearance and to foster an identity and pride in being a part of St Mary’s School. We request that all items of uniform are clearly marked with the student’s name.
Whilst you are in our school uniform you are representing the school and your standard of dress and your behaviour should reflect this at all times, including your journey to and from school.
Boys uniform
Navy Blazer
Available from a variety of suppliers
- School badge (available from school)
- Also available with the St. Mary’s badge embroidered onto pocket from Monkhouse schoolwear specialists
School tie (available from school)
White long sleeved shirt
- During the summer term, boys may wear a short sleeved white shirt
Charcoal grey trousers, tailored straight leg trousers
- no drainpipes or skinny styles
Plain navy V-neck pullover
Black school shoes
- No trainer style, canvas or boots
Plain dark socks
- (not white or multi coloured)
Coats should be navy, dark blue or black
Girls uniform
Navy Blazer
Available from a variety of suppliers
- School badge (available from school)
- Also available with the St. Mary’s badge embroidered onto pocket from Monkhouse schoolwear specialists
School Tie (available from school)
White long sleeved blouse
- during the summer term, girls may wear a short sleeved revere collar white blouse
Plain straight navy knee length skirt
- No lycra or stretched skinny styles
Plain Navy Girls’ School Trousers, tailored smart navy trousers
- No drainpipes or skinny styles
Plain navy V-neck pullover
Black or navy sensible school shoes
- No trainer style, canvas, boots or significant heels
Navy / black plain tights or white/ navy knee or ankle socks (not slouch or sports socks)
Coats should be navy, dark blue or black
School badges and ties are available from school –please contact
JEWELLERY AND MAKE-UP - must NOT be worn in school, except that the girls may wear one pair of gold or silver ear studs in their ear lobes only. Watches may be worn.
HAIR– Pupils’ hair must be a natural colour. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Pupils with long hair will be expected to tie this back during practical activities for health and safety reasons.
MOBILE PHONES – must be turned off during school hours (we accept no responsibility for their loss) and kept in students’ lockers. The use of mobile phones is not permitted during the school day.
For any uniform enquiries please email
The PE Kit
School Uniform Policy