Sports Day
There are five sections of sports day. Two parts are the field events (things such as long jump and javelin) and the track events (events such as 100m sprints and longer distances.) For these sections, your year group will be gathered on the back field, watching, cheering and maybe even taking part in events. There are school records that have been set by previous students that are there to be beaten, why not have a go and get yourself into the St Mary’s history books!
The two other parts of sports day are the Kwik Cricket (on the tennis courts) and Rounders (on the front field.) These two give everyone a great opportunity to take part and give as much as you can to your house and team; to work together to get the best possible result and to bond more as a house. For these team events, every team should be a mix of boys and girls working together. If you would like to take part in any of these four parts of sports day, you can do 2 field events and 2 track events as well as being on the Cricket, Rounders and relay teams for your house.
The final part of the day is at the end, where the whole school gathers, in their year groups on the back field to watch the finals of the races such as 100m sprint and the relay teams, and also hear the final results of who has won over all. Will it be De Paul, Thouret, Marillac, Laboure, or Virgo? Sports day is great for those who are competitive and are ready for competition as well as being a great opportunity for everyone to take part, not only through competing, but through supporting their teammates and friends as they compete for the title of sports day winners.